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Çok Güzel Bir Yazı Efekti
<!-- Web Site: http://enigma1xx.piczo.com --> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color:black; font-weight:bold; a:hover {text-Decoration:none}} a.links{ font-family:"Verdana", sans-serif; font-size:20px; line-height:30px; color:black; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;} a.links:active { color:black; } a.links:hover { } </style> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function enHex(aDigit) { return("0123456789ABCDEF".substring(aDigit, aDigit+1)) } function deHex(aDigit) { return("0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(aDigit)) } function toHex(n) { return (enHex((0xf00000 & n) >> 20) + enHex((0x0f0000 & n) >> 16) + enHex((0x00f000 & n) >> 12) + enHex((0x000f00 & n) >> + enHex((0x0000f0 & n) >> 4) + enHex((0x00000f & n) >> 0)) } function toDecimal(hexNum) { var tmp = ""+hexNum.toUpperCase() while (tmp.length < 6) tmp = "0"+tmp return ((deHex(tmp.substring(0,1)) << 20) + (deHex(tmp.substring(1,2)) << 16) + (deHex(tmp.substring(2,3)) << 12) + (deHex(tmp.substring(3,4)) << + (deHex(tmp.substring(4,5)) << 4) + (deHex(tmp.substring(5,6)))) } var hoverColour var numLinks; var rate; var numFadeLevels; var bgR; var bgG; var bgB; var currR; var currG; var currB; var count; var fadeOut; var continuous; var newColour; var tID; var redInterval; var greenInterval; var blueInterval; function initLinks(mouseOverColour, numberOfLinks, fadeOutColour) { hoverColour = mouseOverColour; numLinks = numberOfLinks; rate = 1; numFadeLevels = 30; function initArray(theArray, length, val) { for(i=0;i<length;i++) { theArray[i] = val; } } bgR = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(1,3) bgG = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(3,5) bgB = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(5,7) currR = new Array(numLinks); currG = new Array(numLinks); currB = new Array(numLinks); count = new Array(numLinks); fadeOut = new Array(numLinks); continuous = new Array(numLinks); newColour = new Array(numLinks); tID = new Array(numLinks); redInterval = toDecimal(bgR) / numFadeLevels; greenInterval = toDecimal(bgG) / numFadeLevels; blueInterval = toDecimal(bgB) / numFadeLevels; initArray(currR,numLinks,0); initArray(currG,numLinks,0); initArray(currB,numLinks,0); initArray(count,numLinks,0); initArray(fadeOut,numLinks,true); initArray(continuous,numLinks,true); } function startFade(id) { if(fadeOut[id] == true) { /*move colour towards background colour (increment)*/ currR[id] += redInterval; currG[id] += greenInterval; currB[id] += blueInterval; newColour[id] = '#' + (toHex(currR[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currG[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currB[id])).substring(4,6); if(++count[id] == numFadeLevels) { fadeOut[id] = false; } } else { currR[id] -= redInterval; currG[id] -= greenInterval; currB[id] -= blueInterval; newColour[id] = '#' + (toHex(currR[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currG[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currB[id])).substring(4,6); if(--count[id] == 0) { fadeOut[id] = true; } } if(continuous[id] == true) { document.getElementById(id).style.color = newColour[id]; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.color = hoverColour; } clearTimeout(tID[id]); tID[id]=setTimeout('startFade(' + id + ')', rate); } function continueFade(id) { continuous[id] = true; } function stopFade(id) { continuous[id] = false; } function StartTimers() { //set up an initial set of timers to start the shimmering effect for(id=0; id<numLinks; id++) { t=setTimeout('startFade(' + id + ')', id*100); } } //format = initLinks('mouse-over colour', 'number of links', 'fade-out colour') //ปรับสี เมื่อนำ cursor ไปวาง และสี เมื่อ cursorเลื่อนออกไป initLinks('#FFFFFF', 6, '#FFCC77'); //--> </script> <!-- แก้ไขข้อความและ Link--> <center> <a class="links" id="0" onmouseover="stopFade('0'); " onmouseout="continueFade('0'); ">:Hosgeldiniz:</a> <br> <a class="links" id="1" onmouseover="stopFade('1'); " onmouseout="continueFade('1'); ">:::::Efekti:::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="2" onmouseover="stopFade('2'); " onmouseout="continueFade('2'); ">::::Goruyorsunuz::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="3" onmouseover="stopFade('3'); " onmouseout="continueFade('3'); ">::::::Bence Guzel:::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="4" onmouseover="stopFade('4'); " onmouseout="continueFade('4'); ">:::::Sence Nasıl:::::</a> <br> <a class="links" id="5" onmouseover="stopFade('5'); " onmouseout="continueFade('5'); ">::::::Senin İcin:::::</a> </center> <br> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- setTimeout('StartTimers()', 1000); //initial 1 second delay to allow page to load and ensure smooth shimmering //--> </script> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Sarı Renk Üzerine Yanıp Sönen Yazı
<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript" type="Text/JavaScript"> fifteenth = ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE')>0) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4));var sixteenth=0, seventeenth=0, eighteenth = 3, nineteenth = 10, first2; function fifth2(){ if (fifteenth) { sixteenth +=eighteenth; seventeenth+=nineteenth; sixth2=32; if(seventeenth>100) seventeenth=100; if(sixteenth>100) { sixteenth=100; eighteenth =-10; nineteenth =-3; sixth2=350; } if(sixteenth<0) sixteenth=0; if(seventeenth<0) { seventeenth=0; eighteenth =3; nineteenth =10; sixth2=200; } fifteenth3.style.filter='Alpha(Opacity='+seventeenth+',FinishOpacity='+sixteenth+',style=2)'; first2=setTimeout('fifth2()',sixth2); }} setTimeout('fifth2()',9); </script> <title></title> </head> <body> <center> <div id='fifteenth3' style="width:500px; font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, mono; font-size: 36pt; color: red; Filter:Alpha(Opacity=0,FinishOpacity=0,style=2); background-color: yellow; layer-background-color: yellow; border: 2px none #000000;">Yazınızı Buraya Yazın</div> </center> </body> </html> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Değişik Bir Yazı Türü
<DIV ID="Zittertext" STYLE="width : 100%; font-size : 36pt; color : blue; filter : Wave(freq=5, light=20, phase=50, strength=6);">Kod Dünyasına Hosgeldiniz</DIV> <script Language="JavaScript"> function DynWave() { if(document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].freq > 30) document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].freq = 5; document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].freq += 1; if(document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].phase > 100) document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].phase = 0; document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].phase += 10; if(document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].strength > 10) document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].strength = 1; document.all.Zittertext.filters[0].strength += 1; window.setTimeout("DynWave()",100); } DynWave(); </script> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Uçan Yazılar
<script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var speed=40; // speed of flight, lower is faster var count=250; // number of frames before animation complete var airbon, airtxt, airtop, airlef; var swide=800; var shigh=600; var frame=count; var ax=new Array(); var ay=new Array(); window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) { var i, y, airme, airli; set_width(); airbon=document.getElementById("airborne"); if (!document.all) airbon.style.position="relative"; // ie bug fix airtxt=airbon.firstChild.nodeValue; while (airbon.childNodes.length) airbon.removeChild(airbon.childNodes[0]); for (i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) { airli=document.createElement("span"); airli.setAttribute("id", "airb"+i); airli.appendChild(document.createTextNode(airtxt.charAt(i))); airbon.appendChild(airli); } y=getPageTop(airbon); for (i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) ax[i]=getPageLeft(document.getElementById("airb"+i)); for (i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) { if (Math.random()<0.5) { ax[i]=((Math.random()<0.5)?0:swide)-ax[i]; ay[i]=(Math.floor(Math.random()*shigh))-y; } else { ay[i]=((Math.random()<0.5)?0:shigh)-y; ax[i]=(Math.floor(Math.random()*swide))-ax[i]; } airme=document.getElementById("airb"+i); airme.style.position="relative"; airme.style.left=ax[i]+"px"; airme.style.top=ay[i]+"px"; } fly_me(); }} function set_width() { if (typeof(self.innerWidth)=="number") { swide=self.innerWidth; shigh=self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { swide=document.documentElement.clientWidth; shigh=document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body.clientWidth) { swide=document.body.clientWidth; shigh=document.body.clientHeight; } } function getPageLeft(el) { var x=0; do { x+=el.offsetLeft } while ((el=el.offsetParent)!=null) ; return x; } function getPageTop(el) { var y=0; do { y+=el.offsetTop } while ((el=el.offsetParent)!=null) ; return y; } function fly_me() { var airme; for (var i=0; i<airtxt.length; i++) { ax[i]-=swide*ax[i]*Math.random()/(frame*(count-1)); ay[i]-=shigh*ay[i]*Math.random()/(frame*(count-1)); airme=document.getElementById("airb"+i); airme.style.left=Math.round(ax[i])+"px"; airme.style.top=Math.round(ay[i])+"px"; } if (--frame) setTimeout("fly_me()", speed); } // ]]> </script><span id="airborne">YAZINIZI BURAYA YAZIN</span> <iframe name="I3" src="www.koddunyasi.tr.gg" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" border="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>